Notice Me

I am invisible, as invisible as can be

when I am in a crowded room, no one notices me

but people don't understand

the matters that are at hand

I am a person too

and I have feelings just like you

even a little acknowledgement smile

would make my day worthwhile

when no one approaches me

i get as sad as can be

all I ask of you

is instead of asking who

say hello when you see

say hello and notice me

A Dream

A young girl wakes up one night,

From a dream that gave her a fright

 A dream of a needle light blue

Then away the needle flew

 Off towards a path it went

A path no travels spent

 What could this dream mean?

Why point to a path so lean?

 So back to sleep the girl did go,

What the dream meant, she would never know

The Dragon

People cower in fear

a dragon is here

it roars its mighty flame

as if playing a game


The time has come to fight

it roams the town this very night

the fire eternally burns

there are many things the dragon learns


It will stomp its mighty feet

at everyone it can meet

Town’s people close their doors

as the dragon roars


Its call heard throughout the land

Only dragons will understand

The dragon roared its mighty roar

And then left forever more


when the sun comes out

there is no doubt

I grab a pole

and head for our hole

that is when they bite

although more often at night

they like to eat the worm

which often likes to squirm

I often wish

to catch a very big fish!